Take Enough Breath, Unless you wish could death as fast as you want | ||||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your soul
navigations are the fours lines of straight lines. they are 'Who am i', 'Was Outta my head, 'Here i am' and links navigations respectively (from the top). make your own choose |
11.08.2008, 7:01 AM
Jenfie's write a good Blog . [Maybe]
Next posting bulan depan lu bakal nemuin deh , cerita cinta super yoyoii yang perna luu temuin . dan mungkin perna luu rasain . ;) Wait for next posting . Jeniffer Love Hewitt : The Day without an air , Make it Easier don't let it hard . |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.Well, here i am. do some ridiculous projects. but if you think it is, you better leave it and link another necessary blog. Love Myself, Cause we have to love ourselves firstly, then you could rule the world. Love GOD, My Obligate as a Human Being. Love Ryden, Ohh my, theyre soo . . . . Love PATD*VW*KATYPERRY*LADYGAGA**HELLOGOODBYES*ALPHABEAT*THE FRAY**M E W*FOB*JAMIE CULLUM Without you, im heardless Anything, among me, around me, i Love those. (: |
Sometimes i wrote on LiveJournal. but it so wasting my time, so i decided to make it Official. About account or contact, you can visit me on Facebook. Sure i have MySpace and also like people use to play, i have a Twitter account too. (: WhatI'vedone
The Shock Of The Lightenin is my first write in entire of my live. yess its all about Ryden. but not only them would i talk about. there are a lot of character which help them into the light. i mean, Mr. ross into the light. (: Honey And Milk, Yess, its about Ryden again. Noey is really helpful. she's me actually. my character is inside of hers. "When Ryan Hates Brendon. When Noey Cares Brendon. When Brendon Loves Noey. It couldn't be the same again." partnersincrime
Links, Links, and Links among myself Astichuleta, her official Blogspot. YOU HAVE TO VISIT HERS ! Ms. Ninunsaurus Sekar Riris link backtoyesterday
+ + Renew? + Introduction. + HELLO SUNSHINE. I LOVE YOU'RE MISSING ME +, OFFICIALLY COME OUT ! + If I could say that “I Love You” everything wouldn... + i let you yelled out loud bitch as you watch it + Stay put + what was that ? fulled by download ? + katy perry suddenly rules my world wheni'mgone
+ Oktober 2008 + November 2008 + Februari 2009 + Maret 2009 + April 2009 + Mei 2009 + Juni 2009 + Mei 2010 + Februari 2011 I'mHad The World
"Thanks Guys, For visiting. what a great appreciated. (:" |